你可浏览 “目录 online which will provide you with up to date course and program information.  它还包括学生手册.


  • Click on “MyWCC”
  • Click on “Forgot my password” or  "Forgot my Username"
  • If the steps above are not working for you, please 请联系WCC帮助台. You may also call (276) 223-4835 during regular business hours, 或者使用学院主页上的AskWCC链接与我们的在线学术顾问取得联系.

  • Go to: www.wcc.xmloungehotel.com
  • Click “MyWCC”
  • 点击“注册”
  • 请输入您的用户名和密码,然后点击“登录”(如果您不知道您的用户名和密码), Click on “look up my user name and set my password”
  • 点击“VCCS SIS:学生信息系统”
  • 点击“我的学生资料”
  • 点击“学生中心”
  • Select a the term you would like to register for
  • 点击“继续”


To search for open classes, click the “search” button. Then enter the “course subject” and “course number.(例如, to search for ENG 111: 为课程科目输入“ENG”, “111”是课程编号) and then click the “search” button

To search by time, click “search,” then click “additional search criteria.”  Enter a class time in the “Meeting Time” boxes.  选择您想要的日期.  然后点击“搜索”.“有些课程(如发展性课程)上课时间较长,将不会出现.  

WCC uses WCC Alert to immediately contact you during a major crisis or emergency. WCC警报为您提供重要的紧急警报,通知和更新 all 你的设备(包括多个电子邮件帐户), cell phone, pager, Smartphone/PDA) When an incident or emergency occurs, authorized senders will instantly notify you using WCC Alert. WCC警报是您的个人连接,学校关闭,并在紧急情况下实时更新,包括去哪里的指示, what to do, 或者不应该做什么, 联系谁和其他重要信息.

要注册WCC警报,请点击: WCC Alert 

  • Go to: www.wcc.xmloungehotel.com
  • Click “MyWCC”
  • Log in by entering your user name and password and click “Log In”
  • 点击“VCCS SIS:学生信息系统”
  • 点击“我的学生资料”
  • 点击“注册”
  • 点击“我的课程表”
  • 选择术语
  • 点击“继续”
  • To view a weekly schedule, click on “Weekly Schedule” under “Enrollment”

  • Go to the “主页
  • Click “MyWCC”
  • Log in by entering your user name and password and click “Log In”
  • 点击“VCCS SIS:学生信息系统”
  • 点击“我的学生资料”
  • 点击“学生中心”
  • To view the amount due, click on “Account Inquiry” (under the Finances section)

*如果屏幕上显示您没有学费余额, 您可能需要更改您的用户首选项.  要做到这一点:

  • From the Self Service screen, click on “Campus Personal Information”
  • 然后点击“用户偏好设置”
  • 从“学院”旁边的下拉菜单中选择“博彩平台网址大全”
  • 点击“保存”
  • 付款, 点击学生中心页面上的“Go to QuikPAY”,并按照页面上的说明操作

  • Log in to “My.WCC” from the “主页
  • Click on “VCCS SIS: Student Information System”
  • 点击“我的学生资料”
  • 点击“学生中心”
  • If you are current student and are in a degree program, 你的指导老师列在你的“学生中心”菜单的右侧.
  • 如果你还没有导师名单, 请致电(276)223-4758与学生服务中心的顾问或辅导员联系以寻求帮助.


12学分是最低的全日制课程负荷, but students may take up to 18 credits each semester as a full-time student.  Students are NOT required to be full-time in order to receive financial aid.  Financial aid is prorated for part-time students.  For more information about financial aid, please visit their website.

WCC currently offers many courses through our eLearning program. 学生可以在网上完成不同学位和证书课程的许多课程要求.  Some courses are offered fully online, others are offered in a hybrid format. 

Yes!  主校区有辅导老师, 并安排他们在加莱克斯的十字路口学院或马里昂的亨德森学院与WCC的学生见面.  Just contact Bridget Preston at (276)223-4707 or bpreston@wcc.xmloungehotel.com 安排与家庭教师的约会. 



混合课程通过在线学习和传统的面对面学习相结合的方式进行教学.  这些课程为学生提供了与老师和同学面对面交流的机会,同时也提供了在线学习的灵活性.

To learn more about our transfer degree programs, go to http://cwr7.xmloungehotel.com/transfer-programs/.  在弗吉尼亚教育向导上有一个转学计划,它将提供有关转学协议的信息, 保证入学协议和适当的转学准备步骤.  Details of the VCCS Transfer Grant are also included. 

Also, Transfer Virginia为弗吉尼亚州立学院和大学的整个转学过程提供了透明度和准入.

Transfer Virginia:你的学分. 你的学位. Your move.

Through agreements with the Virginia Community College System, 从WCC毕业并获得转学学位和最低平均成绩点的学生可以获得 guaranteed admission to more than 30 of Virginia’s colleges and universities.  For a listing of participating colleges and universities go to http://cwr7.xmloungehotel.com/transfer-programs/.

每个博彩平台网址大全的卫生专业项目的入学要求都是独一无二的. In addition to submitting the official application for college admission, 您还必须在线完成 医疗专业申请, and complete ALL admission requirements for your intended program of study.

该项目通过与西南弗吉尼亚社区学院的合作提供.  有关如何申请这些项目的更多信息,请联系WCC顾问.  

WCC鼓励学生以任何速度追求他们的学术目标,使他们脱颖而出, 同时平衡他们的教育与工作和个人责任.  In most degree programs, a student may take as little as one course a semester.  However, 有一些项目, 比如健康专业项目, 哪些课程要求学生在课程目录中列出的时间框架和学期顺序内完成学位.  一些特定学院的“保证录取转学协议”要求学生在两年内完成转学副学士学位.

强烈建议学生在每学期注册课程之前与他们的指导老师讨论学术计划.  在决定下一步选哪门课程时, 阅读大学目录后面的课程描述,看看这门课程是否有任何先决条件,这一点很重要.  If not, then it is often acceptable to take a course out of sequence.  

社会科学选修课, Health/PE, 公众演讲, and Humanities are examples of courses that may be taken in any term.  However, 了解学位课程每学期列出的学位特定课程, as these courses have been placed in this order by the faculty.  Therefore, while there may not be a prerequisite for a particular course, 按所列的顺序学习某些课程往往对学生有利.  一些特定学位的课程只在秋季或春季学期开设, 但不是两者都有. 

要访问当前的WCC课程时间表,请转到 课程表.

Be aware that until the class schedule is posted at the above link, 课程设置和时间都在不断变化.

  • Current students can also search class offerings by logging in to “MyWCC”
  • Enter your user name and password then click “Log In”
  • 点击“VCCS学生信息系统”
  • Click “类搜索” under “类搜索/Browse Catalog”
  • 选择学校和学期, 然后输入“课程科目”及“课程编号”(例如:查询eng111), 为课程科目输入“ENG”, “111”是课程编号
  • 点击“搜索”按钮

  • Go to: www.wcc.xmloungehotel.com
  • Click “MyWCC”
  • Enter your user name and password, click “Log In”
  • 点击“VCCS学生信息系统”
  • 点击“学习成绩”
  • 点击“查看非官方成绩单”
  • 选择学术机构,然后选择“非官方成绩单”作为报告类型
  • 点击“去”

Click the following link to see a listing of important dates for each term:


  • Go to: www.wcc.xmloungehotel.com
  • Click “MyWCC”
  • Enter your user name and password, click “Log In”
  • 点击“VCCS学生信息系统”
  • 点击“转学分”
  • 点击“查看转帐信用报告”

如果你把上一所大学的成绩单寄给了WCC,并要求对其进行特定课程的评估, 转学分将列在这里.

*Please note that if you change your curriculum, 你需要联系招生办公室,要求根据你的新课程重新评估你的成绩单.

通过残疾服务提供的住宿是根据个人情况而定的.  Students are responsible for referring themselves for disability services. 

For more information about 残疾人服务 at WCC visit the 残疾人服务 页面或中国博彩平台:

Tim West
(276) 223-4102

绝对!  WCC offers a variety of campus-wide activities for students each year.  Many student clubs and organizations are available at WCC for students.  Clubs and organizations can be founded by students, faculty, and staff of WCC. Click here for a listing of clubs and organizations.  欲了解更多信息,请联系 凯伦·霍金斯, 学生活动 Coordinator at (276) 223-4758 or email at khawkins@wcc.xmloungehotel.com

The bookstore 位于布兰德大厦的上层.  You will need a copy of your class schedule to get your books.
You can look up your books and the cost ahead of time by going to http://www.bkstr.com/wythevilleccstore/home 然后点击“查找课程”."

  • Go to the “主页
  • Click “MyWCC”
  • 点击“我的学生资料”
  • Enter your user name and password, click “Log In”
  • 点击“Gmail”(下面第四个选项)
  • 这将把你带到你的电子邮件帐户.  第一次登录时, you will have to accept the agreement and then it will direct you to your email.

No, a parking permit is not needed on any of our campuses.  你可以把车停在任何地方,除了指定的残疾人、预留区或访客区.

Go to the Ask WCC 呼叫在线咨询师.